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Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Anesthesiology is a general term for every kind of induced conscious loss .

In the treatment of health issues through surgical operations, anesthesia is administered before the surgery to prevent the feeling of pain or discomfort during the procedure. Anesthesia is the general term for all types of numbing techniques, and its literal meaning is "loss of sensation." Anesthesia is a medical practice applied by anesthesia and resuscitation specialists to ensure that patients do not feel pain during surgery.

A. General Anesthesia: During the entire period of anesthesia, you are in a sleep-like state of comfort. It eliminates consciousness and the sensation of pain. Anesthesia usually begins after a preparatory injection, which is typically sufficient for short procedures. For longer procedures, the injection may be repeated, or anesthesia may continue with a gas form of medication through a mask or endotracheal intubation. In mask anesthesia, oxygen and anesthesia medication are delivered through a mask placed over the mouth and nose. In endotracheal intubation anesthesia, oxygen and anesthesia medication are delivered to your respiratory tract through a system after you fall asleep. Endotracheal intubation provides a high level of safety for breathing and protects the lungs from the risk of vomiting. Additionally, with the administration of muscle relaxant medications, surgical conditions can be improved, and the amount of anesthesia can be reduced.

B. Regional Anesthesia is including Local or nerve block anesthesia, infiltration anesthesia. It eliminates the sensation of pain in specific parts of the body or directly in the surgical area ;for example, it may eliminate pain only in one arm. In spinal and epidural anesthesia, the pain nerves going to the spinal cord are rendered inactive in specific areas. Furthermore, a numbing drug is injected close to sensitive pain nerves around a specific region of the spine. Since the injection site is numbed beforehand, the insertion of the needle is often painless. Especially for pregnant individuals, this method is highly recommended for the health of both the mother and the baby.