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Bronchoscopy is a medical procedure used to examine the inner part of the respiratory system. This procedure is performed by inserting a flexible tube called a bronchoscope through the mouth or nose into the airways.


The bronchoscope is a flexible tube with features such as a light source and a camera, used to visualize the inside of the airways. Doctors can use the bronchoscope to diagnose any abnormalities or diseases within the respiratory passages, take biopsy samples, or perform treatments.


Bronchoscopy is typically performed under local anesthesia, and patients are usually discharged on the same day.


Bronchoscopy is commonly performed in the following situations:


  • When there is an obstruction or narrowing in the airways.
  • If there is an abnormal image or lesion in the airways.
  • When there is suspicion of infection or a tumor in the lungs.
  • In cases of airway bleeding.
  • If a foreign object has entered the airways.
  • When a diagnostic sample needs to be taken from the airways.
  • In cases where there is an accumulation of mucus in the airways that needs to be cleared.


Bronchoscopy is also used to facilitate breathing for patients who have difficulty breathing due to airway obstruction or narrowing by placing a stent in the airway.